Spring Cleanse FAQ's
Q : I'm not sure I can afford this. How can I justify the cost?
A: I’d love for you to see this as an investment in your health… and what’s more important than your health? I’m confident that if you’re dedicated to improving your health, you’ll be able to find this in your budget. Think of how much you’ll save on medications and sugar-laden foods. Or caffeine pick-me-ups that don’t even make you feel good. Can you afford NOT to invest in feeling better?
BONUS: You get access to the online Breath of Love healing session, Saturday April 16th @ 10am PT.
​​Q: Can I participate if I can't make the live online calls?
A: Of course! Each call will be recorded and available for you to listen to at your convenience. Stephanie recommends listening to the calls as soon as possible following the live sessions.
Q: I can't complete the cleanse during the times it is scheduled. Can I do it another time?
A: Absolutely! By signing up, you will have access to all the materials from the call, and can complete the cleanse at any time. You will still have access to our online cleanse forum, where you can learn from the experiences of other participants, and have your questions answered by Stephanie.
Q: I don't think I have time for a cleanse. How much time will this take?
A: All you need is to get prepared. I’ll help you save time by providing you with a shopping list, wellness packs, and all the resources you need. The recipes I share are quick and easy to prepare—most of them taking less than 30 minutes. I have a feeling that when you start to experience increased energy, you’ll start to feel like you have more time! This is a self-paced cleanse, so you can complete it in your own timing. I've made this cleanse agreeable for those who have busy lives and need flexible options!
Q: When will recipes and shopping lists be available?
A: All materials will be posted online mid-week before the first call on April 11th.
Q: What should I do if I don't own a juicer? And, what do I do if my body doesn't respond well to juicing?
A: Participants have made the cleanse juices using their blenders, and while you will have much more fiber in the drink that would be in a juice, all the important vitamins and minerals will still be there.
Arranging access to a juicer is highly recommended as part of the cleansing program. For those who wish to not juice, whether for logistical or other reasons, a juice alternative will be provided that can be substituted for breakfast. If you do not own a juicer, this could be the time to invest in a basic one, and it will soon pay for itself if you're used to buying juices from local juice bars or cafes. You can often find new or used juicers on Craigslist or other local online marketplaces where you live. Or, chances are someone you know has a juicer sitting unused in their kitchen, basement, garage, etc., so reach out to your community. Another option is to have the juice pressed at a local juicery (recipe will be provided), or some Whole Foods Markets will juice produce for you as long as you purchase it in the store.
Q: How far in advance can I prepare my food and juices?
A: Ideally all food will be prepared within 24 hours of consumption. Juices should optimally be prepared just prior to consumption each morning for maximum nutritional absorption, but can be made in advance as required.
Q: Will I have to run to the bathroom? Can I do this while I'm working? Will I need to alter my schedule?
A: Not to worry! This cleanse is food-based. And although your elimination will improve, you will NOT be running to the bathroom (unless you choose to incorporate the optional flushes, which are highly recommended). You’ll feel energized, balanced, grounded and stable. This cleanse will increase your productivity. And help you feel less overwhelmed and busy. That being said...please see the next question....
This is largely a personal decision. The cleanse includes an optional and highly recommended castor oil flush towards the end of the cleanse. If you choose to do the flush, you may want to plan your day so that you are in one spot and can take bathroom breaks as needed. If you choose to do this, you should plan to have a mellow morning on the day of the flush. Stephanie will discuss these optional practices to help you determine if you would like to try them.
For everyone participating, I do encourage you to keep your calendar clear as much as possible of extra appointments, obligations, etc. so that you can give yourself some extra downtime. The more you are able to minimize sources of stress in life, the greater your benefits may be.
Q: I always let myself down and don't follow through. I know what to do, but I don't always do it.
How can you help me with this?
A: I hear you. It’s hard to stick with something when it feels hard or overwhelming, and even harder when it’s not working. But with this cleanse series, you get to meet it where you are. Exactly like you meet a new yoga pose or exercise you haven’t tried before. You do the best you can. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do the cleanse, and it’s done in community with a ton of support. Plus, it’s fun! That will carry you farther than trying to do it alone. Lean in and let us support you. Take your time and go at your pace. Even small slow shifts lead to great strides over time, I know this because I integrate many new things in this way!
Q: I rarely stick with anything long enough for it to make a difference. How fast will this work?
A: Now is your chance to begin again and commit to something for a relatively short period of time. You can do anything for a short time in your life! I have a feeling you’ll start to see results fast — within the week. But if you still don’t see a difference at the end of the cleanse, I’ll keep working with you until you get there.
Q: What if I cannot find some of the kitchari (mung bean stew) ingredients locally?
A: A great site to buy kitchari kits is at BanyanBotanicals.com. Please contact me to learn more. Kitchari kits can be used on the stove or in a pressure cooker, like the Instant Pot.
Q: What format is used for the online meetups?
A: Online sessions are hosted on Zoom. Online conversations are hosted via a closed (i.e., private) Facebook group. If you are not a Facebook user, you may ask questions to Stephanie directly via e-mail. Participation in the Facebook group is highly encouraged.
Q: Can I exercise while cleansing?
A: Yes – most participants find they can keep up with their normal exercise routines. I do encourage you to tune into your energy levels and choose activities that feel in alignment with how you fee.
Q: Can I take medications/herbs/supplements on the cleanse?
A: Yes – you can keep up your normal routines during the cleanse. If you have any questions, please seek advice from your doctor or healthcare practitioner.
For any questions not answered here, please contact Stephanie by email at sunkissedfire@gmail.com.