Live in the Power of Your Soul's Gift
Breath of Love Foundation Course for
Self Practice and Group Facilitation Certification
March 2019 - November 2019
Learn to bring profound healing, deep inner peace,
and powerful flow of insight to the people you work with.
With your help they can discover a whole new level of
clarity, fulfillment and abundance in their lives.
What is your life devoted to?
What is your deepest calling?
What is the Gift you came to bring to our world?
Are you a teacher, healer, facilitator, change agent, light worker, or a conscious
entrepreneur who is passionate about living your Soul Purpose? Do you have a
sense that you're an emerging leader in the new paradigm of life and business?
Do you sense that a big calling lies ahead for you, that there's an important reason
you're on the planet right now?
Yet, it might be challenging to actually know the exact steps forward? Do you wonder
how to tap into your true power as a healer, leader and guide for others?
If you answered YES, then you're in the right place.

This is a special opportunity to learn to facilitate powerfully transformational experiences in a group setting.
We have created a teaching on how to facilitate Breath of Love sessions in a group setting and one-on-one.
If you feel a calling to help others find profound relief from struggle, open to inner peace and remember their inherent magnificence, you're in the right place.
Internationally renowned founder of this work, Julia Mikk, got a chance to move through many trials and tribulations in her life. She experienced dark nights of the soul, and found her way (after a tremendous amount of healing and awakening) into profound peace, love and divine purpose.
So much so that she received an overwhelming desire to bring it to others!
That’s what gave birth to the powerful offering of Breath of Love nearly 15 years ago, and it still keeps expanding and evolving every day.
This work offers a great gift. It helps people realize the profound love and inner peace that is possible for them every day. And, it assists them in opening to the magnificence of their Soul purpose.
What could be more important?

Becoming a Breath of Love Facilitator
When you emerge out of this course you will be fully capable, confident and free to facilitate profoundly healing and life-changing experiences for hundreds (and thousands) of others.
You will not only know how to powerfully guide people as a healer, but you will also have an understanding of how to organize your own workshops and work with money in a sacred and abundant way.
This course will be offered to only a small group of apprentices. It will allow everyone to get a lot of individual attention and cultivate their skills as a healer and facilitator in a most optimal way.
It is a high responsibility to lead a group of individuals through a deep breathwork journey. It requires integrity, impeccability and clear energetic attunement.
It's not a surface level facilitation. It is about you rebirthing yourself into a whole new level of clarity, attunement and empowered presence.

What is Breath of Love?
What distinguishes Breath of Love work from other breathwork modalities is the facilitator's high attunment to the energy field, ability to give each participant exactly what they need, high skill of intuition, and awareness of the nervous system and how it processes trauma.
This level of attunement allows the participants to experience a deep healing in an effortless and gentle way.
It is not an intense cathartic therapy. It is a deep vibrational medicine that changes people from inside out by helping them open to their optimal health, intelligence of their Soul, and potency of their destiny.
The facilitator’s clear presence, skill, intuition, and highly attuned touch are what make this experience deep, powerful and effortless for the participants.
When you commit to this journey of becoming a Breath of Love Group Facilitator, you will be stepping into a great honor of changing your life and changing the lives of many others.
This is in service to living your divine purpose, and helping thousands of others to bring the power of peace and love onto our planet now.

In this Course you will:
Access your intuition and expand your psychic awareness. Let it guide you to the best resolutions and most successful outcomes at work and in relationships.
Learn to stay clear in your own energy field so other people’s negative energy doesn't have to affect you (imagine how helpful this is even in your everyday relationships!).
Tap into a clear Source energy, which revitalizes and heals you powerfully from within. This same Source energy, once it flows through you, also becomes a great healing for others.
Learn advanced bodywork and somatic awareness skills to help people relax and heal from old traumas.
Discover energy work skills that help you stay grounded, confident and attuned to what is needed in every moment. That's especially needed when you are taking other people through deeply transformational processes.
Embody new coaching skills to guide people through their healing processes effectively.
Learn neuro-linguistic programming skills to help you in your life as well as empower your clients.
Find your unique Soul’s Gift, your own special offering that can flow only through you.
Experience the incredible satisfaction and fulfillment that comes with living your Soul Purpose fully.

While learning to facilitate life-changing healing experiences for others you will also...
Bring much more Ease into your life. Find out how to be efficient, effective and productive without sacrificing your health and wholeness for it.
Step out of the overwhelm, stress and exhaustion from carrying too much on your shoulders!
Stand strong in your leadership and keep allowing the power of your Soul’s Gift flow fully. Its calming radiance and empowering presence will attract many new opportunities, clients and affiliations to you. Just watch and be amazed!
Access deep inner peace and be able to maintain it even in the midst of chaotic circumstances. That's what allows you to stay clear and not get overwhelmed in the process of stepping into your bigger purpose.
Know Your Worth. That's what gives you confidence so you can feel comfortable in your own skin and take clear, courageous action without wasting time on doubting yourself.
Deepen your freedom of self-expression. Have courage to be seen and honored for who you really are. Let go of the old habit of making yourself small in order to make others comfortable.
Let go of the anxiety and unhealthy habits that stand in the way of your greatest fulfillment in life.

"When I first experienced a Breath of Love session, I was literally blown away! I have received high vibrational energy work for over 20 years, and I have never felt anything like this!!! Waves upon waves of suppressed emotions rose up through me and were instantly released.
Now miracle upon miracle continues to happen in my life.
By implementing the tools, I am able to easily navigate fear and anxiety before they even begin to take hold… I no longer have insomnia and I sleep peacefully through the night.
I highly recommend this work. It is the greatest gift you can give yourself, if you are seeking greater clarity in your life and want to be fully placed in your soul's purpose."
- Laurie G., polarity therapist, Sedona, AZ.
"I knew during and after the session that everything had changed for me. I went to a place of Peace, Safety and Clarity that I had never before experienced in this life. It became very evident that Everything is Perfect. Thank you for helping me to access this. I will share this with the World."
​- Al Marcelline, Director of Santa Barbara Wellness Directory, Santa Barbara, CA.

Course Outline
Level 1:
Personal Mastery Course
Experience a profound liberation from worry and overwhelm.
Embody peace and thrive with Ease.
6 day intensive immersion in Boulder, CO
February 28th - March 5th, 2019 or May 30 - June 4th, 2019
Liberate Yourself from the vicious cycle of worry and exhaustion.
Create a life where you have more than enough time to do everything you love.
Learn a powerful, world renowned healing modality to find peace in your life.
Rewire your nervous system so you can access ease and peace even in the most difficult circumstance.
Step out of overwhelm and the underlying subconscious reasons why you keep creating it in your life.
Grow your intuitive skills and listen to your inner guidance not just in your Breath of Love session but in your life.
Embody a new way to stay centered and not let other people’s energy affect you.
Step into a life of Fulfillment and Soul-Nourishment.
Study the format, anatomy, energy work, and intuitive skills that go along with Breath of Love work.
*Co-facilitate with Julia Mikk and/or Advanced Teachers at 2 public workshops. This will give you hands-on practice to cultivate your skill of personal mastery in the most optimal way.
*Receive your own healing sessions as part of the 6th day in this intensive so you can fully let go of your habitual fears, chronic tensions and constant worries.
You Receive:
6 day in-person training in Boulder, CO February 28th - March 5th, 2019 or
May 30 - June 4th, 2019.
1 one-on-one private Breath of Love session with Stephanie Whitford or Advanced Teacher of your choice (90 min.), in-person or virtual. Schedule according to your availability.​
A powerful healing session one-on-one with the world renowned founder of the work Julia Mikk (90 min.). On the phone or Skype. Schedule according to your availability.
BONUS #1: Your Deepest Fulfillment telesummit recordings (90 min. video recordings)
BONUS #2: 2 monthly group Zoom support sessions (90 min.) led by Julia Mikk and Advanced Teachers including Stephanie Whitford.
BONUS #3: “Heart & Soul: Living a Love-Filled, Spirit-Guided, Consciously-Created Life” book that Julia Mikk is co-authoring.
BONUS #4: Private secret Facebook support group.
Level 2:
Breath of Love Facilitator Certification
Step into your bigger purpose, embody the fullness of your Soul’s gifts,
create abundance with ease.
One trip to Boulder, CO. Otherwise at your location.
1st module - "Enhanced Inner Mastery"
At your location
Do your own deep inner work to let go of fears and insecurities that keep you from stepping into the full power of your natural gifts.
Heal old trauma that stands in the way to you feeling deep ease in your body and deep peace in your mind.
Learn tools and skills to facilitate powerful breakthrough sessions in a group setting.
Start giving your own workshops at your location.
2nd module – "Empowered Facilitation Mastery"
6-day in-person training in Boulder, CO
Attend a life-changing 6 day training to work with Founder and Advanced Teachers hand-in-hand.
Co-facilitate with Julia at 2 public workshops. This will give you hands-on practice to cultivate your skill as a Breath of Love Facilitator in a most optimal way.
Go deeper into the subtleties of your facilitation and cultivate new skills to facilitate powerful healing sessions to others.
Open to a new level of energetic attunement where you can understand energy, trauma healing and release on a much deeper level.
Learn to set clear boundaries and to not pick up other people's 'problems'.
3rd module - "Next Level of Leadership"
At your location
Start leading bigger workshops at your own location.
Claim yourself as a leader in your field, know your value, and feel confident in your expertise.
Move out of the old paradigm of struggle. Discover how to lead groups and work with clients with utmost ease.
Create an abundant healing practice that is based on principles of ease and simplicity.
Understand the spiritual exchange of money and be comfortable with charging for your services.
Do important inner re-patterning work to allow more prosperity into your life.
Let go of self-doubt and old unresolved hurt that stands in the way to your fullness, bigness and Soul purpose in the world.
Find Courage to show up with your full gifts, and feel honored and valued in return.
You Receive:
6 day in-person training in July 11th - 16th, 2019 in Boulder, CO.
5 one-on-one private Breath of Love sessions with Stephanie Whitford or Advanced Teacher of your choice (90min each). In-person or virtual.
6 one-on-one private Supervision Calls with Stephanie Whitford or Advanced Teacher of your choice(90min each). In-person or virtual.
1 one-on-one private graduation session with the founder of the work Julia Mikk (90min). On the phone or Skype.
Monthly group video sessions with Julia Mikk, Stephanie Whitford and Advanced Teachers (90min each). These are recorded so if you can’t attend live, you can easily watch them later.
A written manual that will help you facilitate powerful workshops with ease.
A library of 20+ invaluable audio materials to deepen your study of energy work, effective facilitation of powerful breakthrough sessions, clearly attuned intuition and more.
BONUS #1: Ticket for you to “Your Deepest Fulfillment” weekend workshop in April 2019 in
Sedona, AZ.
BONUS #2: “Fill Your Workshops with Ease” online program designed to help fill workshops with ease and create a prosperous practice by bringing Breath of Love healing work to your community (or expand it worldwide).
BONUS #3: Private secret Facebook support group, to support you and answer questions in between the sessions.

There is a limited space for the 2019 Certification Course
It is an incredible opportunity to work with Breath of Love Advanced Course Facilitators and Founder in such an intimate setting. You will get a lot of individual attention, move through your deepest blocks and fears quickly, and become the most empowered Breath of Love Practitioner you can be.
How to apply
Email sunkissedfire@gmail.com to express your interest in the course. You will be asked to fill out a short application form and then schedule a free 'Courage to Shine' Clarity Call with Stephanie Whitford or founder of the work, Julia Mikk. On this call you can ask all your questions, talk about logistics, and learn about your investment.
This Clarity Call will also determine if you are the right candidate for this course.
This was previously a 12 month certification course. In 2019 it has been made into a 9 month intensive. There needs to be a readiness, clear desire, match in values, and strong commitment to go through this accelerated life-altering journey.
If this course is not the right match for you, we will help you get clear about your best path forward. Because, clearly, you are called to expand and live your purpose in a more meaningful and satisfying way now. Let's give you support in getting clear about the best next steps for you.
If you are accepted into this Certification Course you will have a chance to go deeper the following year in the Advanced Breath of Love Facilitation Course. It will teach you to:
- Build a successful and prosperous business while doing what you love.
- Give one-on-one sessions in-person and long-distance (cultivating a worldwide audience).
- Give weekend workshops and retreats to large audiences.
"My session was mind blowing. I reached a state of consciousness I’ve only dreamed of before. I am yearning to get to a point where this state is predominant in my life, where I can live from the truth of who I really am and from there help other people awaken to who they really are too. This is by far the most powerful work I’ve ever done and I would love to be able to spread it in the world and help people change their lives."
- Raquel Vinaja, London, UK

Stephanie Whitford
is an alternative holistic wellness consultant, advanced Breath of Love Practitioner and teacher, yoga instructor, Ayurvedic lifestyle coach, and a leader of worldwide wellness travel adventures.
Stephanie helps business leaders, high performing
executives and change agents improve their
performance and make more impact in their businesses
and lives!
She is highly skilled at helping people find peace, even
when surrounded by the intensity of life. She provides
effective self-mastery skills that empower people to
thrive abundantly in our fast-paced society without
compromising health, longevity, happiness and personal
fulfillment in life!
Stephanie specializes in nervous system regulation, using food as medicine, and empowering others to follow their greatest inspirations in life.
She facilitates you to inspire your own inner engineer in creating your life, the way you desire it...one that is full of Sun-Kissed Fire (Radiance, Reverence and Transformative Passion).

Julia Mikk
was born in Estonia and is now living in Boulder, Colorado. She is an internationally renowned healer, teacher and bestselling author.​​​​​​​​​​ She is the founder of Breath of Love movement with certified Breath of Love Practitioners worldwide. ​
Julia's experiences instantly change people's lives. Her clients come from all over the world to experience the shamanic Breath of Love process, receive a deep emotional and physical healing, and embody courage to live their soul purpose.
Julia brought Breath of Love to life thanks to many powerful awakenings she had with her spiritual teachers. Some of the most important ones being Gangaji, Dan Brule, Binnie A. Dansby, Ray Castellino and Anna Chitty.
Yet, many of the greatest lessons and awakenings came thanks to her own personal journey, which wasn't always easy. She got a chance to move through the times of deep depression, dark nights of the soul, anorexia and bulimia - that's where she learned more than ever before about the power of self-love, oneness, and the true meaning of healing.

Now, Julia masterfully weaves her realizations of non-duality, shamanic studies, and psychotherapy into her Breath of Love sessions. Side by side with her spirit guides, angels and ascended masters she helps people experience a powerful liberation from past karmic knots, and clear out the old patterns that are manifesting as lack, worry, fear or health issues. Many people have said that it's like no other healing work style out there. It is very powerful, incredibly efficient and quick in its ability to break through stagnant patterns. Yet, even though the work comes with a powerful force of light, it also offers an astounding depth of Divine Feminine gentleness and nourishment.
Email sunkissedfire@gmail.com to apply
for this Breath of Love Certification Course.