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Body of Bliss - Purvakarma

Online Spring Cleanse: April 15–April 21, 2022

Ayurvedic Inspired Self-Care

Nutritionally Supported Cleansing

Adaptive to YOUR Lifestyle

Join Ayurvedic counselor, Stephanie Whitford, this spring for an online self-care food-based wellness experience that will prepare you to receive the most out of the in-person panchakarma retreat! If you are ready to inspire your brightest and best and live in your fullest potential, this cleanse will help boost your transformative fire and bring your body closer to a state of optimal health to assist you in fulfilling your deepest intentions and meeting your wellness goals! The cleanse is a fantastic way to reconnect to personal intentions for 2022, as well as an opportunity to recommit and or plant and nurture self-care routines that may have fallen by the wayside amidst life's many demands. 

This was designed by Stephanie, through inspiration from many experts and personal experience, as an Ayurvedic cleanse and nutritionally supported wellness system, to provide an experience that is both effective in facilitating detoxification, while also nourishing for body, mind and spirit and preparing you for the even deeper healing at the retreat. The cleanse is ideal whether you are an experienced cleanser or if this is your first cleansing experience, and is particularly effective for individuals who have struggled with liquids-only fasts or diets, and especially for those who have a busy lifestyle...this is not a diet, but rather lifestyle choices for optimal wellness.  It's an opportunity for greater health!  A seasonal support to the body to help you THRIVE!

Perhaps the best thing about this purvakamra cleanse is that it is adaptive to your needs and lifestyle.  Whether you are constantly on the go managing so many things or, needing convenient easy options that support dining out, or you love preparing all your food, or taking life at nature's pace, this online series offers adaptive experiences to fit YOU and your needs, while also allowing for transformational shifts in self-care, diet and health practices. This experience also provides the opportunity to cultivate space for personal reflection/introspection, and the opportunity to be supported. 

Participants in the series can expect:

  • Increased energy levels by the end of the series

  • Better digestive and metabolic functioning

  • Heightened mental clarity

  • Reduced stress and emotional/energetic baggage

  • Diminished cravings for sugar, caffeine and processed foods

  • Motivation to make better food life choices, eat more mindfully, and stay committed to self-care

  • Valuable information on daily self-care routines

  • Increased personal awareness and e-motional (energy in motion) processing tools.

  • Tools to help you thrive in life and feel good practices that bring you satisfaction in life.

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Unlike other cleanses that can deplete your energy and leave you feeling lethargic, this spring cleanse is specifically designed to help conserve and maintain your energy throughout the duration, so that you can carry on with your normal routines with ease.  Moreover, Stephanie can offer guidance to allow you to tailor the cleanse to support your individual work, family and lifestyle demands. Throughout the cleanse, we will spend a lot of time incorporating information and practices that will leave you feeling easeful, nurtured, de-stressed and revitalized.  You have the opportunity to lovingly prepare your meals, a very nurturing gift you can give to yourself. You can enjoy delicious juices, packed with ingredients to detoxify the body from the inside out and nourish you fully. We'll learn about ghee (clarified butter) and kitchari (spiced mung beans and rice – a complete protein meal) and a selection of Ayurvedic condiments to warm your belly and provide the sustenance you need for your daily life. Optional supplements, teas and simple, but effective routines inspired by ancient Ayurvedic wisdom will also be integrated into the program, based on your individual needs.

Nourish yourself, clear your mind, cleanse your body,
make self-care a priority...
all with the support of community!

The online Body of Bliss purvakarma spring cleanse includes three live recorded calls before and during and at the end of the week-long cleanse preparation to guide your journey, and to provide an opportunity for you to ask Stephanie questions and share experiences with your co-cleansers. We also stay connected via a private Facebook group where we build community and support one another throughout the entire month-long panchakarma series.


All times are Pacific time zone. All live calls are recorded for playback at your convenience.

April 11 – live introductory call (50 minutes) – 5 pm Monday

April 12–14 – preparation, intention setting & shopping

April 15–April 21 – purvakarma cleansing & daily wellness practices

April 16 - BONUS Breath of Love Online Healing Session - 10am-12:30pm Saturday

April 18 – mid-series live call (50 minutes) – 5 pm Monday

April 21 – closing call (30 minutes) – 5 pm Thursday

Registered participants receive access to all materials needed to complete the series, and can participate during any timeframe if they cannot join us during the live series

**Changes/additions to offerings may be incorporated to best suit participant's needs.

Body of Bliss Spring Online Purvakarma Cleanse Includes:

  • Three live calls with Stephanie and other participants to guide you through the process and provide inspiration and coaching (with Q&A)

  • Downloadable guided meditations

  • Live Breathwork Practices (breathwork is purifying for the mind and energy channels)

  • E-mails in your inbox daily with inspiration and coaching

  • Access to private Facebook group to share experiences and motivation with other participants

  • Recipes

  • And More!

Click here to see FAQs



  • Phone or Internet connection to access calls/meditations

  • Kitchen / basic kitchenware, including a blender or juicer

  • Personal commitment to let go of excuses and invest in your highest and best!

First, I’d love for you to consider this cleanse series an investment rather than a cost. You can expect a huge return on your health in a short period of time!

How much is your vitality worth to you? How much is it worth to know that you’re about to gain so much empowerment over your body and how you feel? To know you have the power to create the exact experience you want? That your ability to heal and thrive is within your reach, and in your hands? It’s invaluable!

Did you know?!

Regular seasonal cleansing is anti-aging, disease-preventing, inflammation-reducing, immune-boosting, and hormone-balancing. It reminds you to live in harmony with yourself – and with nature. That’s why I recommend seasonal cleansing to all my students and clients. And why I've designed and priced this cleanse series investment so reasonably.


The Spring Cleanse Online Wellness Series:

A Purification Plan to Recharge Your Body, Mind and Spirit





Access To The Online

BREATH OF LOVE - (More info. here)

Saturday April 16 - 10am - 12:30pm PDT

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Meet Your Guide

Stephanie Whitford is an Ayurvedic counselor, alternative holistic wellness consultant, Breath of Love Practitioner, yoga instructor, and a leader of worldwide wellness travel adventures.

She is highly skilled at helping people find peace, even when surrounded by the intensity of life. She provides effective self-mastery skills that empower people to thrive abundantly in our fast-paced society without compromising health, longevity, happiness and personal fulfillment in life!

Stephanie specializes in nervous system regulation, using food as medicine, and empowering others to follow their greatest inspirations in life.


She facilitates you to inspire your own inner engineer in creating your most vibrant that is full of Sun-Kissed Fire (Radiance, Reverence and Transformative Passion).



 Register now HERE

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